Thursday 17 February 2011

Election Special!

If you're ever planning a far-away assignment such as this , why not spice it up by coinciding the timing with a national presidential election?!!

Tomorrow is the big day here in Uganda - and the place has shut-down! I knew that all businesses would be closed for the actual election day, but earlier this week, the Government granted an extra Public Holiday "to allow voters to travel to their designated voting places".

By way of some historical background (My "Education Slot"!), I'm sure many are more familiar with the legacy and stories of the regimes of Obote and Amin. Indeed, even when I was applying for my visa, the Ugandan High Commission were promoting their country by way of an advertisement for the film "The Last King of Scotland". If you've never seen the film, it is based rather graphically around the rule of Idi Amin....Some image to attract much needed visitors!

Anyway, back tothe history lesson - Yoweri Museveni has been President of Uganda for the last 25 years. In context to his predecessors, my guide book gives a reasonably good portrayal since this period has reflected steady economic growth for the country.

It appears that he certainly has no intention of stepping down and the political process seems to be very stage-managed towards his re-election. Recent polls on National TV have reported a 65% majority in his favour, if this is to be believed.

In Gulu,the general atmosphere is relatively calm. There is a lot of criticism of the current regime, though consensus is that there isn't any viable alternative amongst the other opposition candidates - A general resignation of "better the devil you know"!

Voter Registration
 As the above poster shows, all voters have to formally register, a process which involves recording finger prints. Despite living in the country for almost two..... weeks, it was confirmed that I was not entitled to participate in this election!

I have been told that the critical time will be after the election results have been announced. Will there be any reaction, particularly given recent events in Cairo? Indeed, it appears that the CNN Network is involved in some type of conspiracy, since its coverage is dominated by riots and protests in just about every country round the region and the Middle East.

In the meantime, however, one major concern on the minds of many local voters was eased considerably last night...........The fate of Arsenal's Champions League campaign!

The team performance was undoubtedly boosted by the immense support and willing coming from the Gulu branch of the Arsenal Supporters Club, in spite of the late hour (Way past midnight when the match finished).

Great atmosphere around our bar - Far better than my memories of the previous encounter with Barcelona witnessed in a pub in Moseley, Birmingham last year with a not so lucky mascot (The individual will know who I'm referring to!).

Based on last night's momentous victory, if ever there was an opportunity to offer a viable alternative candidate for tomorrow's election.........May I introduce the next President of Uganda........Arsene Wenger!!

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